مشاهده گواهينامه
Veterinary Health Certificate :
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ورود اعضا:

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اطلاعات خودرو
:کدرهگيري A value is required.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.















دریافت اپلیکیشن دریافت راهنما اپلیکیشن اسب
اخبار ويژه
نعهدنامه ارزی کالاهای مشمول مجوز ارزی وزارت جهاد کشاورزی

عمرماندگاری گوشت تازه گوسفند و گاو وارداتی

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نحوه نمونه برداری از فرآورده های خام دامی و نهاده های خوراک دام

اعزام ناظر بهداشتی جهت گوشت مرغ و گوشت قرمزو دام زنده


تاريخ انتشار : ٥/٧/١٣٨٨
Import Health Requirement:IR2009-6/04
IR2009-6/04 . Health Requirements for Import ORIGINAL CASING into IRAN
(Last Update 01/09/2009)
A health certificate has to be issued by a veterinarian authorized by the Veterinary Authority of the exporting country, which certify the following health attestations:
The consignment of casing intend for export into I.R.Iran :
a) Come from plants approved by the veterinary competent authority.
b) Have been cleaned, scraped and salted with NaCl for 30 days.
c) Have undergone all precautions to avoid recontamination after treatment:
d) does not contain , and is not derived from specified risk materials as detined in annex XI , section A to regulation ( EG ) No. 999/2001 laying down rules for the prevention , control and eradication of certain transmissible sponge form encephalopathies , produced after 31 march 2001 , or mechanically recovered meat obtained from bones bovine , ovine or caprice animals , produced after 31 march 2001 .After 31 march 2001 the animal have not been slaughtered after stunning by means of gas injected into the cranial cavity or killed by the same method or slaughtered by laceration after stunning of central nervous tissue by means of an elongated rod shaped instrument into the cranial cavity . Carcasses, half carcasses and quarter carcasses my contain vertebral column on import.